Monday, 6 April 2015

Hello World!

Hello World!

Hello and welcome to Creating Realms. I have created this site in the hopes of showcasing and appreciating the arts--from literature to paintings. There are many things I wish to cover here, so all shall be talked about in the following sections:

My Work

In this section of the site I hope to showcase what I have done myself, in the hopes of inspiring others to similar projects. 
There shall be a gallery here where you may find my drawings and paintings, there will also be a section here for short stories I have done. My stories are varied on topics, predominantly science fiction and horror. Though a good deal of editing has been made on them, they are not in their final form so a pinch of salt may be needed.
There is also a section here for any other projects and possibly tutorials I may do.


Here I will have a look at some artists from around the world and their fascinating work. The artists I look at will be a mixture of known and lesser known folk who I believe need a bit of notice.

Books & Films

In this segment here I will look at the variety of books I have found interesting and will give some sort of review and recommendations. The same goes for films which can be found hereI will try to put these up at least once a week.


Though this is still a section on books I think this needs to be in a section of its own. Taschen is a publishing group that does affordable, high quality art books that are nicely written, lain out well with a good amount of pictures to display what they want to say. This is more of a monthly thing where I showcase one of their books that I have managed to pick up.

Leave a comment below to tell me what else I can do for the future of the site.

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